Because Feeling is Believing


The Ginger People have created a blog, using WordPress, that is titled GingerpediaThis blog is very specific to the one ingredient it produces—ginger. The blog covers topics on ginger supply, applications, ingredients and industry trends. It targets food service operators, manufacturers and development professionals.

The idea of a blog seems to scare a lot of ingredient manufacturers only because they don’t think that they can find the time to write. But if you weigh the time spent against the value you will receive, it’s a tactic worth considering. Any ingredient company can have a blog, just like this, with a similar focus. Blogs (and other social media tools) show a softer side of a company. They show the human side. Sometimes we forget that people do business with people they like. Just like with a consumer brand, your company should be building emotional connections with those you interact with at every touch point. Try to get into their hearts and minds. If you can show you have a personality and have great ideas, you instantly qualify yourself as someone a prospect could do business with.

With a plan and schedule in place that identifies topics to cover, who can write them and when they should post, a blog is definitely doable. Believe me. Here at Anderson Partners Food Ingredients, we went through the same conversations, decided to dive in and it has been one of our most successful tactics to date. You’re reading our blog now.