Products in the food industry can be rather temperamental, forcing companies to not only fix the problem, but relay that fix to its customers. Big question is: how does one best do that? A great example of what to do in this situation is Chiquita’s Chiquita To Go. Recently, Chiquita experienced some customer dissatisfaction with the short shelf life of its bananas. In response, this international marketer, distributor and producer of fresh fruit came up with a new marketing solution to help its customers sell to their customers.
Thus came Chiquita To Go. Chiquita positioned bananas as the perfect grab-and-go snack for its customers’ shoppers. They created new Chiquita To Go merchandising to make it easy for its customers to position, as well as created a website to explain all of the details, including informational videos and testimonials from satisfied customers. This marketing approach, in conjunction with the Web component, has already been successful for Chiquita. Not only has the company made its customers happy, it has generated a new way to position its product and increase overall sales.