Dawn is utilizing some new print marketing tactics in an effort to stand out. It has an advertorial running in the food publications that looks like an editorial. Typically, these kinds of ads have a small disclaimer that reads “paid for by advertiser,” but this particular ad is not identified as such. The value of such a tactic is that the reader is more likely to read the article, as it appears to be something written by the publication. This particular Dawn 360˚ segment is titled “Bakery Trends Revealed.” My guess is that the content will be switched out fairly regularly to remain fresh.
Dawn is also placing “Bakery Toolkit” pamphlets in food publications. These pamphlets are adhered into the magazine with glue goop. This is another tactic that isn’t often used, but is a great way to distribute content and to stand out from competitors. This particular piece describes how to “maximize your seasonal sales with creative products and marketing strategies.”