Hi Europe Offers Ingredient Experts and Insights

The biennial Health Ingredients Europe and Natural Ingredients Conference (HiE), produced by the Fi Global team from UBM, will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, from Nov. 29 through Dec. 1, 2016. One of the largest health and nutrition conferences and trade shows in the world, HiE provides a complete overview of the nutrition and wellness industries. International leaders in nutritional food and beverage innovation meet to network with each other and to share their latest healthy ingredient solutions.

As a key part of the event, the Hi Europe Modular Conference will address the biggest challenges and hottest trends in the food industry with over 18 highly focused module presentations from leading industry experts. I am very excited about this year’s conference, where I will be speaking on cutting-edge trends for the industry. Take a look at this short video interview for more information:


My presentation on “Mapping the Diverse Consumer Landscape and Defining the Key Generational Groups” will be on Tuesday, Nov. 29, during the Modular Conference presentations. My presentation on “Best Practices for Food Ingredient Marketers” will be on Wednesday, Nov. 30, at the Industry Insight Theatre on the Expo floor.

Attendees will receive a free copy of our recent research report on “The Next Generation of B2B Customers,” as well as a free copy of our newly updated review of “Best Practices in Food Ingredient Marketing Communications.” I hope you and your colleagues will be able to join me for these presentations during the conference.

You can find additional information about Hi Europe at http://www.figlobal.com/hieurope-conference/, or to register for the conference, visit http://www.figlobal.com/hieurope-conference/attend/register-today.

I look forward to seeing you there.