A Study on Effective Communication with the New B2B Millennial Customer
The customer landscape is changing for food ingredient suppliers—organizational changes are taking place as baby boomers transition out of the workforce and millennials become more prevalent. Several of our food ingredient clients have told us that with this shift, they have faced challenges, specifically around knowing how to effectively communicate and build meaningful relationships with these new contacts at their long-time customer companies.
There is a lot of information out there about millennials as consumers and as employees—the trends they set, their values and what’s important to them—however, there is little information about them as B2B customers. To help fill that void, we will be releasing a new meta-study—“Millennials: The New Customers for Food Ingredient Suppliers—a New Study on Effective Communication and Building Relationships.” This new study will help give ingredient suppliers the tools they need to better understand the growing millennial workforce and help them build successful business relationships with these “new” customers.
As a preview to our new study, we’ve published the infographic below. The full study will be available soon, so be sure to check back to download your copy and learn how you can engage and build relationships with the next generation of B2B customers.