Pierce Chicken Builds Online “Chickenopolis”

chickenopolisPierce Chicken is proof that animation does have a place in the food ingredient industry. Pierce Chicken—a supplier of practically everything chicken—is breaking the food-ingredient stereotype with Chickenopolis—an online e-town built of generic establishments, each representing a food industry category (i.e., schools, restaurants, grocery stores, etc.). By clicking on one of the virtual buildings, you can view a list of Pierce Chicken products that are fitting for that type of business. For example, clicking on the Chickenopolis Watering Hole provides a list of products that complement a bar or tavern’s menu, while clicking on the Chickenopolis hospital provides a list of products that work well in the healthcare cafeteria setting. What’s great about Chickenopolis is that it’s not only engaging, but it successfully conveys the wide range of versatility that Pierce Chicken provides its customers. And, let’s face it, it’s fun, and that’s refreshing to see.