Welcome to our new blog titled See What’s Working. Our focus is on marketing communications in the food ingredient industry. We plan to bring news, comments and examples of the best practices and best programs being used by the most successful food ingredient companies in today’s marketplace. In part, this blog is an extension of our ongoing communications with industry professionals through our LinkedIn group—FIMC. Since launching this successful group in ’09, we’ve heard from many members who have a great interest in relevant information on the best marketing communications programs and ideas. <Click here to see the group on LinkedIn>
In this blog, I plan to share insights, challenges and best practices on food ingredient marketing communications. I’ve been working in the food industry for over 25 years now and have led the food ingredients group at Anderson Partners since 1997. I spend a big part of my time talking to marketing and communication executives at many different food ingredient companies. I regularly attend industry trade shows, and follow trends and new initiatives that impact food marketing. And I get to work every day with some of the leading brands in the industry. All of this is what I plan to share with you in See What’s Working.
Most of the writing for this blog will come from me. I have a great team of experienced food ingredient professionals that work with me here at Anderson Partners, and from time to time they will weigh in with their own posts. Please visit our TEAM page for more information about us.
We also welcome your comments and your thoughts on our posts. The purpose of this blog is to help you create new and successful marketing strategies for your company, so I hope you find these posts informative, enjoyable and, above all, useful.